Interface for FirestoreDBChatMessageHistory. It includes the collection name, session ID, user ID, and optionally, the app index and configuration for the Firebase app.


  • FirestoreDBChatMessageHistory


sessionId: string
userId: string
appIdx?: number
collectionName?: string

⚠️ Deprecated ⚠️

Will be removed in 0.2 use collections field instead.

This feature is deprecated and will be removed in the future.

It is not recommended for use.

collections?: string[]

An array of collection names, should match the length of docs field.


make required variable in 0.2

config?: AppOptions
docs?: string[]

An array of doc names, should match the length of collections field, or undefined if the collections field has a length of 1. In this case, it will default to use sessionId as the doc name.


make required variable in 0.2

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